How To: Finals

Finals are coming up, are you guys as excited as I am????!

ME: finals animated GIF day animated GIF

Fear no more! The Fab 5 have come up with an instructional video on how to deal with finals! 😀

(Disclaimer: we are not responsible for you failing your final exams…well, maybe we are a little bit responsible, oh well.)

The Fab 5 hope you follow these tips as shown in the video and we hope you join us in Monday’s MED 130 lecture class so we can cry together about finals and we might even sign some autographs, idk…

Bring food. Thanks.

Watch me awkwardly stare into the camera

Here we have a video made by my colleagues and me, we discussed a very debating topic about the end of the world. I am not a skeptic or believer of such topic, so staying neutral really helped me understand both sides of the subject.“>

The “Fab 5”, as we like to call ourselves, will be featured in many upcoming videos, so stay tuned 😉