It’s The End Of My Blog As We Know It

A semester has already  passed and I still feel like the scared, shy freshman that came here not so long ago. My experience in MED 130 has been an incredible one for many reasons. Reasons such as; This is the FIRST class I have encountered that allows me to create videos for the use of class, I have been exciting to do this ever since I started my major, and this class has let me develop my creativity within those assignments. Also, I have always loved to write small pieces of fiction and post them on the Internet, and to see that one of our blog posts consisted of that, made me joyful and excited to use my ‘skill’.

World End animated GIF

Being a ‘rookie’ into the world of media production has made me learn new skills by myself and with the help of other, this class consisted of both. The assignments were dedicated to test  your abilities and allow you to see how far you could come. Thanks to this class, I have started interacting with my major more now and I know that I will have to learn how to do different tasks like I did in this class. The use of a blog was a new concept to me, but I am glad I came across such an opportunity, in the future if I ever need to create another blog for a job or other reason, I will know how to operate one thanks to my experiences in this class.

I have also learned that there are different ways to portray a certain topic more efficiently than just a boring and simple blog post with text, there are: videos, podcasts, etc. Some media templates tend to work better with a certain topic. The creator of such, should analyze and conclude which option will carry the message better.

There is a lot of process that goes into creation viral videos, podcasts, etc. The brainstorming part is the hardest part for sure. You have to be able to view the assignment in your head thoroughly in order to start  creating it. Listening is also a hard part, just because you have a certain view of the topic and are not welcoming other ideas from your classmates does not make you better, criticism was very helpful in this class, it allowed me to make simple changes so the viewers and myself were more satisfied with the end product.

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To conclude my experience about this class, I can only say Thank You. Thank you Mr. Wagner for allowing me to attend your class and to be a part of your students. The environment that our class had developed allowed me to feel comfortable enough to speak up at one of our discussion moments regarding racism and reverse racism, I did speak up, even if it was once. That was a big accomplishment for me as well. I have learned a big handful of useful knowledge in this class compared to the boring propaganda strategies in my MED 304 class. Please don’t tell him I said that…

End Looney Tunes animated GIF

How To: Finals

Finals are coming up, are you guys as excited as I am????!

ME: finals animated GIF day animated GIF

Fear no more! The Fab 5 have come up with an instructional video on how to deal with finals! 😀

(Disclaimer: we are not responsible for you failing your final exams…well, maybe we are a little bit responsible, oh well.)

The Fab 5 hope you follow these tips as shown in the video and we hope you join us in Monday’s MED 130 lecture class so we can cry together about finals and we might even sign some autographs, idk…

Bring food. Thanks.

Just Legalize It Maaaaaaaaan

How could I not post something about marijuana on the traditional ‘holiday’ 4/20. This unofficial date symbolizes the national day for pot lovers to enjoy the illegal drug. the term, 420, came about from a couple of hippies from the 70’s that would gather around a specific location in San Rafael High School in northern California.

Weed users have been known to be portrayed as lazy hippies, so forth the drug itself has always been looked down upon, but what if I could tell you all the positive effects it could bring if it became legal?…

Enjoy the trip 😉

Here is a list with 3 main focal points to evaluate when arguing about the legalization of weed:

Lots of $$$

Legalizing this drug could bring millions of dollars into tax revenue, and into the economy. Seizing this product has cost the U.S. billions of dollars, and every single citizen has felt the impact of that in their income. Just imagine, being able to smoke in the comfort of your own home without having to be paranoid about the cops showing up, and throwing you into jail for possession of a drug that brings happiness into many citizens lives. Colorado, being one of the states in this country that has legalized this drug, earned as much as $14 million within the first month of approving the sell of recreational weed. 

Safer Place

Drug dealers will no longer have to hide within their safety boundaries in order to make a living, the drug-related crime will go down immensely thanks to the legalization and make society as a whole, much safer.

It is not the marijuana that fuels crime, it’s the prohibition. Look at it from this perspective; when a child is told not to do something because it is ‘bad’, there is a spark in the child that causes curiosity to do the ‘bad’ thing. If the government takes away the negative image of this, there will be less curiosity.

Alcohol Is Legal, Why Not Pot?

According to the CDC, alcohol causes more than 37,000 annual deaths in the U.S. On the other hand, there is not a SINGLE death related to the consumption of marijuana. 

Additional links regarding this subject:
Why Legalizing Weed Just Makes Sense, In 12 Charts

6 facts about marijuana

5 Charts Explaining Colorado’s First Year of Legal Weed

Experiences for the Un-experienced

Our Group Project


Using apps is essential way to life. We pretty much have an app for anything we do. Whether it is getting directions, posting a picture, or just to play games. As the fab five set out to have an adventure, we split up into two groups. Half of us went to the Springfield Brew Company and Insomnia Cookies, while the other half went to Buffalo Wild Wings and the mall. During our mini adventure we utilized about four to five different apps per group.

Victoria and Jocelyn

The first step Victoria and Jocelyn took was to utilize the app called Yood! this helped them get directions to where they were heading. Once we located the Springfield Brew Company the girls made sure to check-in using Facebook. This lets all their friends and family know where they are and what they are doing. As we were flipping through the menu we…

View original post 282 more words

White Girl Wasted?…




*28 ‘selfies’ later*

“Hmm, I don’t like any of these!! Maybe if I stick my tongue out more or do duck lips…”

Cats take selfies too… Don’t judge…

My accent came out a little while I recorded this, LOL #SorryNotSorry


Watch me awkwardly stare into the camera

Here we have a video made by my colleagues and me, we discussed a very debating topic about the end of the world. I am not a skeptic or believer of such topic, so staying neutral really helped me understand both sides of the subject.“>

The “Fab 5”, as we like to call ourselves, will be featured in many upcoming videos, so stay tuned 😉


*Goes into Google and types in ” la-la-la-la” because that;s the only part she remembers from the song she just heard on the radio*

Does this ever happen to anyone else besides me? I just rely on Google to find out the name of that exact song and sometimes I am successful in the search, other times I’m not…

I present to you the Top Ten Pop Songs of the year 2014, they are listed in order of preference from yours truly with a small interesting piece of information after the song is introduced, so stay tuned and enjoy 😀

*Drum roll*

I apologize for my awful sick voice, it kind of reminds me of Izma’s voice on The Emperor’s New Groove, the part where she turns into a cat and says” Is that MY voice??”