Just Legalize It Maaaaaaaaan

How could I not post something about marijuana on the traditional ‘holiday’ 4/20. This unofficial date symbolizes the national day for pot lovers to enjoy the illegal drug. the term, 420, came about from a couple of hippies from the 70’s that would gather around a specific location in San Rafael High School in northern California.

Weed users have been known to be portrayed as lazy hippies, so forth the drug itself has always been looked down upon, but what if I could tell you all the positive effects it could bring if it became legal?…

Enjoy the trip 😉

Here is a list with 3 main focal points to evaluate when arguing about the legalization of weed:

Lots of $$$

Legalizing this drug could bring millions of dollars into tax revenue, and into the economy. Seizing this product has cost the U.S. billions of dollars, and every single citizen has felt the impact of that in their income. Just imagine, being able to smoke in the comfort of your own home without having to be paranoid about the cops showing up, and throwing you into jail for possession of a drug that brings happiness into many citizens lives. Colorado, being one of the states in this country that has legalized this drug, earned as much as $14 million within the first month of approving the sell of recreational weed. 

Safer Place

Drug dealers will no longer have to hide within their safety boundaries in order to make a living, the drug-related crime will go down immensely thanks to the legalization and make society as a whole, much safer.

It is not the marijuana that fuels crime, it’s the prohibition. Look at it from this perspective; when a child is told not to do something because it is ‘bad’, there is a spark in the child that causes curiosity to do the ‘bad’ thing. If the government takes away the negative image of this, there will be less curiosity.

Alcohol Is Legal, Why Not Pot?

According to the CDC, alcohol causes more than 37,000 annual deaths in the U.S. On the other hand, there is not a SINGLE death related to the consumption of marijuana. 

Additional links regarding this subject:
Why Legalizing Weed Just Makes Sense, In 12 Charts

6 facts about marijuana

5 Charts Explaining Colorado’s First Year of Legal Weed

3 thoughts on “Just Legalize It Maaaaaaaaan

  1. I also did my blog on the legalization of marijuana so I’m glad I have a buddy! I loved the pictures and the title was good! Perhaps give more statistics on the income of marijuana or how its relation to crime could be avoided. Other than that nice design and concept. Good Job!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha. I love the title. It fits the blog post well. The content by itself was great. I thought that the points you made were thought out and researched. The visuals were a good tool as well, although I would have preferred if they were formatted into the post better.

    Liked by 1 person

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